New Books
Unasked Questions
Over the years Buck has guided notables and too many less notables, preferring flight attendants from foreign carriers, into the big northern fields and streams and questions about what, where, how, and why were plentiful. Most of the questions had to do with what to bring, how many private bathrooms at the lodge, and does Dorothy, his hunting pig, bite. Quite often, questions roamed wide, lifestyle questions, what the master sportsman thought about other stuff while sitting around a campfire after a hard day stacking wild animal protein. Once guests returned home, however, unasked questions fester as there are few sources in a popped culture with the straight skinny. Who could you ask how to live happily in a world veering off course? Well, ideally, you’d ask Buck…but he doesn’t accept collect calls and isn’t on social media.
Good News
A non-profit literary foundation has gathered many of the more common questions to Buck in an exclusive collection of solid answers. Many curating challenges, especially questions scribbled on cocktail napkins, motel stationery, company memo pads, panties, sizes 4-6, washed and now thumbtacked to the ceiling of the lodge saloon. Some correspondence required editing, of course, but readers of the new collection will again profit from the wisdom of someone who has been there, wherever there is, and back.
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Sample Correspondence